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Choose from the options below if you need to set up a Direct Debit, pay for services in advance or make other payments or deposits with helpcomputing or its parent, Cairos Computing Limited.

Direct Debit Mandate

Set up a Direct Debit Mandate with helpcomputing or Cairos Computing Limited.

We will let you know your first bill by invoice. Your future invoices are usually for the same amount and are usually monthly. You will be notified at least 3 working days before you are charged. We use GOCARDLESS to process our Direct Debits. This organisation is authorised by BACS and your payments are protected by the Direct Debit Guarantee.

You can set up your Direct Debit Manadate by clicking the button below.

Securely Set up Direct Debit

Need to pay remotely?

You may need to pay remotely so that our technician can help you. You can use the Add to Cart button below to go to a page where you can do just that. You can use any major credit or debit card, or you can use PayPal.

We can usually fix most problems within an hour, but just in case it's a nasty problem, we'll limit our charge to two hours. And we'll continue to work until we fix the problem. 

Remote Options
Your email address?

Your helpcomputing technician will have advised you on which of the three remote options above would suit you. We're geared up to help.

QUICK FIX Choose to pay this option if we've said that this option would be fine to solve a problem. This sort of fix would normally take under 30 mins and might include tasks such as checking that your computer is securely set up. We'll be pretty relaxed if the fix goes over this time. However, we reserve the right to ask you to choose a different option should we open the proverbial can of worms.

ONE HOUR Please pay this option if we've indicated that this would be best to solve your problem. Again, we'll be pretty relaxed if the fix goes over this time. But we reserve the right to ask you to choose a different option should we open up another proverbial can of worms.

MAX REPAIR We limit our charge to two hours. If we need to, we will continue to work until we fix the problem. This option is typically required if your computer has been infected by a virus.
You'll benefit from the helpcomputing way. If we can't fix your computer remotely, we'll refund all of your money. If you had paid for a fix where we had to collect your computer and we couldn't fix the problem within the quote (perhaps because a disk is just too corrupted or because any required spare parts would make the job too expensive), we'd refund all your money. And we will return your computer to you free of charge.

Please call or email us if you have any questions, and we'll get right back to you.

Need to make other Payments or Deposits?

You can use this section to send any payments securely to helpcomputing.

If you are paying an invoice in full, or leaving a deposit on an invoice, please quote the invoice number.

If you are leaving a deposit on a quote, please quote the quote number.

Your payment will be processed by PayPal and you can use any debit or credit card you'd like, or you can pay using your PayPal account.

Inv\Quote Number, or other ref:

When you click the Buy Now button, you will be taken to a secure PayPal connection. You'll be able to fill in how much you'd like to send (and then click the Update link). You can then log into PayPal to complete your transaction or click to pay with a debit or credit card.

Bank, credit and debit card details

helpcomputing does not store your financial details. Direct Debit Mandates set up via this website are securely processed by GOCARDLESS. Purchases made via this website are processed securely by PayPal and we have no method of storing or retrieving your bank, credit or debit card details. If you use your credit or debit card in person then the credit card reader that is used has no method whereby your card details are stored.

This means that once you have passed your bank, credit or debit card details to us, whether physically or via this website, it is only used for the purpose of completing your transaction with us. Once your transaction has completed, your credit or debit card details are not retained.

Copyright 2010 helpcomputing